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Radio Commercial Samples / Casual, Confident, Friendly

Michael Hogue - Commercial Voice Demo

ANIMATION - Voice Demo

12 Random Cartoon Voices for Animation and Commericals

Michael Hogue - Animation Voice Demo

Old Time Narrator - Comic Nerd - Old Prospector and Kid - 

Walrus Monologue - Southern Scrap Metal Dealer (accent) -

Mobco Gangster Infomercial - Blues Guitar Guy - Evil Villain - Turtle Guy - Old Man relives the glory of his youth 

Microsoft Commerical - Business-Confident, Friendly 

Home Depot Commercial - Friendly, Casual, Confident 


Mazda Car Commercial - Casual, Optimistic, Friendly 

Character Voice - "MR. COYOTE" 

Voiced the roll of "Mr. Coyote" in the fun cartoon series

"Mr. Monkey Mechanic" for the "Super Simple Learning" channel on YouTube. Created and Animated by the team at "Tinman Creative" Studios in Toronto, Ontario.

Character Voice - "George Westinghouse" 

Voiced the roll of "George Westinghouse" in the 4 part cartoon parody called "The Snake Pit" as part of the Award Winning "Super Science Friends" Cartoon Series.

 Created and Animated by the team at "Tinman Creative" Studios in Toronto, Ontario.

"Tylenol Cold and Flu" Commercial Parody

Michael performs an "Under the Weather" Husband and the Narrator in this "Tylenol Cold and Flu" commercial example.

"Tylenol Cold and Flu Commercial ParodyMichael Hogue

3 Characters: "Taco Hut" Commercial Parody

Michael performs 3 different character voices in this "Taco Hut" commercial parody. A Stoner, His Friend...and the Lime!

"Taco Hut" Commerical Parody - 3 VoicesMichael Hogue

© 2023 Michael Hogue

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